2021 End of Year Celebrations

Honors and Awards Convocation
April 8
12:30 p.m.
Activity Hall

(Scholars Day presentations to follow)

Due to COVID restrictions, this event is not open to the public.

Check back here and on KWC social media  – the event will be recorded and posted for your enjoyment.

Ciaran Fairman ’12, Ph.D., CSCS, CET – Speaker
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Arnold School of Public Health
University of South Carolina

Dr. Fairman’s research focuses on the impact of exercise, nutrition and behavioral intervention on the health and wellness of individuals with cancer during and after treatment. He is the founder, CEO and chief exercise physiologist at REACH (Research in Exercise and Cancer Health).

April 23
7 p.m.
Steele Stadium

Masks will be required and social distancing measures will be in place.

Rev. Dr. Jay Smith ’85 – Speaker

Dr. Smith ’85 has been a United Methodist minister for 37 years. He has pastored small, medium and large churches in Kentucky and is currently in his second appointment as a district superintendent, in what is now the Pennyrile District from 2006-2013 and currently in the Owensboro District.

April 24
10 a.m.
Steele Stadium

Masks will be required and social distancing measures will be in place.

President Emeritus Barton D. Darrell ’84, J.D. – Speaker

President Emeritus Barton Darrell served as president of Kentucky Wesleyan College from 2014-2019, after serving as vice president of advancement for one year, preceded by many years as an attorney. He practices law as a partner with Foreman Watson Holtrey, LLP.