Thank you for your interest in Kentucky Wesleyan College students! We are happy to help you connect in any way we can. Kentucky Wesleyan uses “Handshake” to post jobs. This service is free to employers, and you may post the position yourself. These positions can be full-time jobs, internships, summer jobs, or part-time jobs. You can review our job posting policies here.
Sign up to post your jobs on Handshake here.
In addition to posting jobs and hiring Kentucky Wesleyan students, there are also opportunities to connect with students in other ways.
Attend a career fair
- Fall – Graduate and Experiential Education Fair – This fair includes graduate schools, part-time jobs, and internships.
- Spring – Career Fair – This fair is for graduate schools and employers seeking all categories of employees.
Volunteer as an interviewer at our Speed Networking event. This event is held in both the fall and the spring. It works just like speed dating only for interviewing. Volunteers are given a question to ask in a four-minute period. Students rotate from table to table where they answer questions at each table. The event is followed by a reception.
Volunteer as a presenter at Wesleyan into the World. This is a program for juniors held at the beginning of January. In a conference format, students choose between two topics during each time slot. Topics include financial planning, what employers seek in candidates, buying insurance, plus many others.
Link to our majors:
Link to clubs and organizations/sports: