Cooperating Teachers

The Teacher Education program at Kentucky Wesleyan College highly values working with our local educators as they mentor and help prepare our students for success in their teaching careers. The Cooperating Teacher Program is regulated by 16 KAR 5:040. Each supervising teacher must have a valid teaching certificate or license for each grade and subject taught, three years teaching experience, and fulfill the requirements listed in Section 1 (3) a-f of the regulation. Beginning January 2014, in addition to the above qualifications, a supervising (cooperating) teacher must have completed 3 elements of training that provide: basic responsibilities of a cooperating teacher, best practices in supporting the student teacher, and effective assessment of the student teacher. To fulfill these requirements, a teacher who supervises a student teacher must complete the following:

Part A: Online Edmodo assessment. Each teacher must complete and pass this online test. Confirmation and a certificate will be sent to each teacher. Click here for details.

Part B: Co-Teaching Online Tranining. Please view all the training videos via the links below. Then click here to complete the required survey once you have finished.

Part C: Attend our Cooperating Teacher Orientation Dinner. At the dinner, Teacher Candidates will meet their Cooperating Teachers and receive an overview of the expectations for the Student Teaching experience.

Co-teaching Online Training Videos

Co-teaching Online Training Videos
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Upon completion of Part 4, please follow this link to the correct version of the required survey. The URL shown in the video is incorrect.

Documents & Resources

KWC’s Conceptual Framework for Education

KWC Student Teaching Handbook, Revised Fall 2013

Co-Teaching PowerPoint

Regulations (pdf file)

EPSB Regulation Highlights

Co-Teaching Strategies

Co-Teaching Resources

Kentucky Teacher Standards


Common Core Standards Resources