
Bachelor of Music Education Requirements
Core Requirements
ED 100 Introduction to Education
ED 202Education Technology (replaces CL 1101 in gen. ed.)
ED 203 Exceptional Children
ED 308Educational Psychology
ED 311 Methods and Materials Middle and High School
ED 410Student Teaching Seminar
ED 400 Discipline and Classroom Management Middle and High School
EDMU 401 Directed Teaching
EDMU 402 Directed Teaching
PEH 200 Contemporary Health Topics
Must take one of the following:
EDMG 201 Adolescent Development
PSY 201 Human Development
Supporting Requirements
These courses may be used to satisfy the general education requirements.
ED 200 Foundations of Education
Must take one of the following:
POLS 101 American National Government
POLS 202 State and Local Government
Must take six hours of the same foreign language (Spanish is recommended)
Music Discipline Courses
MUS 147Music Theory I
MUS 148Music Theory II
MUS 139Aural Skills I
MUS 140Aural Skills II
MUS 220 History of Music I: Beginnings to Baroque
MUS 235Music Theory III
MUS 239Aural Skills III
MUS 350 Junior Recital (*optional)
MUS 310Methods of Teaching Music in the Elementary School
MUS 319 Methods of Teaching Music in the Middle School
MUS 320Methods of Teaching Music in Secondary School
MUS 324History of Music II: Classical/Romantic Period (1750-1850)
MUS 340 History of Music III: Late Romantic to Present (1850-Present)
MUS 427 Music and Computers (*optional, but recommended)
MUS 450Senior Recital

Emphasis Requirements

Students must complete one of the following emphases: vocal, piano /organ, instrumental, or guitar.

Vocal Emphasis
MUS 233 Lyric Diction
MUS 351Vocal Pedagogy
MUS 374Instrumental Method
MUS 377 Conducting
Must take eight hours of Kentucky Wesleyan Singers.
Must take fourteen hours of Applied Music – Voice.
Must take four hours of Applied Music – Piano (or show proficiency).
Piano/Organ Emphasis
MUS 322 Piano/Organ Pedagogy
MUS 348 Accompaniment
Must take one of the following:
MUS 303 Applied Music Literature - Piano
MUS 313Applied Music - Organ
MUS 377Conducting
Must take eight (8) hours of Kentucky Wesleyan Band, Kentucky Wesleyan Singers, or Panther Pianists.
Must take sixteen hours of Applied Music – Piano
Must take two hours of Applies Music – keyboard secondary Piano or Organ
Instramental Emphasis
MUS 276 Orchestration
MUS 277 Instrumental Music Literature
MUS 374 Instrumental Methods
MUS 377 Conducting
Must take eight hours of Kentucky Wesleyan Band
Must take fourteen hours of instrumental Applied Music in major instrument.
Must take four hours of Applied Music – Piano (or show proficiency).
Guitar Emphasis
MUS 302Applied Music Literature: Guitar
MUS 345 Guitar Pedagogy
MUS 374 Instrumental Methods
MUS 377 Conducting
Must take fourteen hours of Applied Music – Guitar
Must take four hours of Applied Music – Piano (or show proficiency).
Must take eight hours of Kentucky Wesleyan Singers, Band, or Panther Pianists.