Student Confirmations and Honor Code

At the beginning of each academic year, students are required to review the Student Handbook and other campus documents to affirm they have reviewed them and are responsible for the content contained therein.

For 2023-2024, students have three acknowledgments they must submit.

  1. Students must affirm that they will live by the Kentucky Wesleyan College Honor Code.
  2. Students must review the Student Handbook, containing policies concerning campus life and the code of conduct.
  3. Additionally, policies implemented to support the campus community during the ongoing pandemic are included in the Panther Promise.  Students must review the Panther Promise, and acknowledge they are responsible for the expectations of the Panther Promise.

Kentucky Wesleyan College Honor Code

Every member of the Kentucky Wesleyan College community has the right to live and learn in an atmosphere of love, support, honor, and integrity. Responsibility for maintaining these values in our community rests with each individual member. Students are expected to uphold the four tenets of the Wesleyan Way for themselves and others in their decisions and day-to-day interactions. Conduct affirming the Wesleyan Way should be followed in all settings, including in and out of the classroom and both on- and off-campus.


Honor Code: Members of the Kentucky Wesleyan College community behave honorably, support others, live with integrity, and do everything with love.

Student Handbook

The 2023-2024 Student Handbook is posted year-round on the campus intranet ( for review and reference by the campus community.  It is linked here for you to review, and submit your acknowledgement of the policies and procedures contained in the handbook.

2023-2024 Student Handbook


  • The Panther Promise

  • Being a member of the Kentucky Wesleyan family means that each of us must be willing to take steps to stay healthy and well while also protecting each other. I commit to take responsibility for my own health, to keep the Wesleyan community safe from the spread of COVID-19 and other infections so that I can attend class on campus this year.
  • I promise to... Protect Myself

  • Monitor myself for symptoms of COVID-19 daily and report to the Office of Student Services if I experience any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Wash my hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds frequently, use hand sanitizer at times when soap and water are not available, and minimize touching surfaces in shared areas along with my face, mouth, eyes or nose.
  • Respond to calls or texts from contact tracers to enable tracking of the disease.
  • Stay informed and responsive about health and safety updates or responses to COVID-19 from College staff.
  • I promise to... Protect Others

  • Adhere to current campus policies relative to masks and facial coverings and physical distancing.
  • Stay home, isolate, and contact Student Services if I feel ill, after possible exposure to someone who is ill or has tested positive for COVID-19. I will not be punished academically or socially for taking these responsible actions.
  • I promise to... Protect the Wesleyan Community

  • Participate in testing and contact tracing as instructed to preserve community health.
  • Adhere to isolation and quarantine instructions if I test positive or am exposed to someone who has tested positive.
  • Serve as an active bystander for the well-being of others, helping remind others of their responsibilities to follow campus policies relative to masks and physical distancing and other guidelines to assure everyone’s health and safety.
  • Report any concerns regarding compliance to expectations outlined in the promise to the Office of Student Services.
  • Seek assistance from college and community staff or resources to support myself or other members of the community during this challenging time.
  • Keep my personal belongings and shared common spaces clean.
  • I understand that even though the College will take precautions to reduce the risks of COVID-19 on campus, I can never be completely shielded from all risk of illness caused by the virus, and everyone in our campus community, including me, shares the responsibility for the health of the Wesleyan community.  I acknowledge my individual effort is critical to a successful academic year and commit to upholding my promise to fellow Panthers as outlined above when choosing to return and participate in campus life.