
Kentucky Wesleyan College featured on Kentucky Academy of Science podcast

Kentucky Wesleyan College was recently featured on the weekly “Bench Talk” podcast of the Kentucky Academy of Science. Graduates Jenna Burns ’23 and Shannon Ruble ’22 discussed their research in Dr. Jeremy Gibson’s lab regarding the behavioral ecology of wolf spiders. Listen to the Episode The podcast was based on the 2022 presentation by both…

KWC Zoology Program collaborates with Mesker Park Zoo

The Kentucky Wesleyan College zoology program is collaborating with Evansville’s Mesker Park Zoo this semester to serve the zoo and provide learning opportunities for the nine students enrolled in Zoology 390-Topics in Zoology: Science Outreach and Presentation Techniques. The course includes three components: Guiding principles on developing and delivering interpretive presentations Hands-on experience providing interpretive…

Class of 2022 Graduate Profile – Anna Bowlin

Why did you choose Wesleyan? I wanted to attend a private Christian college and my first choice in a degree program was a Zoology program. After visiting twice – once for Future Panther Day and once for Scholars’ Day, I was hooked. I loved the staff and faculty I met and felt that I was…

Kentucky Wesleyan Magazine Spring 2021

The Spring 2021 issue of the Kentucky Wesleyan Magazine is now in print and available online. Enjoy the latest issue, which includes a cover feature on “What Unites Us” along with features on the progress of our Three Pillars, Dr. Randy Capps ’57, Professors Nate and Molly Gross, Sashalia Ramirez ’23 and Panther football’s sophomore…

Kentucky Wesleyan Zoology Program offers event on the world of spiders

The Kentucky Wesleyan College Zoology Program invites the public (ages 3 and older) to take part in a fun and engaging learning experience in the Nature Center Shelter in the Jim Lambert Pioneer Village at Yellow Creek Park on Saturday, May 8, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The event does not include purposely scary…

Kentucky Wesleyan College earns accolades for three programs

Kentucky Wesleyan College has been recognized by PLEXUSS Global Rankings for three programs: #4 Best Online College or University in Kentucky Offering a Bachelor’s Degree Program #5 Best in Kentucky Offering a Legal Professions Program #6 in Kentucky Offering Natural Sciences Programs “These rankings reflect KWC’s reputation for academic excellence and our faculty commitment to…

Meet Lindsey Powell ‘16

“We presented Lindsey with doors, and she opened them.” Dr. Evelyn HiattAcademic Advisor