Facilities Request

Maintenance and Service Requests:

  • For any problems in your room like broken equipment, lighting, heating/AC you can submit a work order by logging onto https://login.myschoolbuilding.com/msb and requesting a repair.
    • You will need to register an account first before you can start doing work orders.
    • First go to the link then click on the arrow next to “Never Submitted a SchoolDude Request? Register Here!”
    • Important here: the first information asked is account number. Be sure to put in exactly as stated- 1434112
    • Fill out the rest of the information as normal with you kwc.edu email.
    • Important here: once you have registered you will be ready to fill out work orders. This information should be self-explanatory but if not please ask. The important part is the “submittal password” it asks for at the bottom. This will be “panthers” every single time you fill this out.