Faculty Travel Grants

The Center for Engaged Teaching and Learning offer small grants to faculty for travel to conferences, workshops and seminars related to teaching and learning.

Travel Grants

Travel grants are awarded for travel to seminars, workshops or conferences that focus on improving teaching and learning and specifically relating to high impact practices and active learning.


Apply at http://bit.ly/CETL-TravelGrantApp

Allowable travel period is now through September 30, 2018.

 Allowable Costs:


~        Lodging

~        Registration

~        Transportation & Parking

Food and beverage is not allowed.

Total Costs Allowed*:


~        Faculty who ARE presenting:

           90% of costs up to $700

~        Faculty who are NOT presenting:

 80% of costs up to $500

*        All grant amounts are based upon available funding and may not reach 90% or 80% of actual cost.


~        Recipients are required to present plans, progress or results at the CETL Spring Conference on March 17, 2018.

~        Recipients are also required to submit a culminating report.

~        All funds must be expended by September 30, 2018.

If interested, please contact Christine Salmon, Director, at csalmon@kwc.edu.


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Center for Engaged Teaching & Learning l  cetl@kwc.edu l  270-852-3254