To report an issue with a college or university operating in Kentucky, send an email or letter to the address below. You will need to include in your narrative:
- Name of student complainant
- Complainant current address
- Complainant address at time of attendance
- Complainant email address
- Complainant phone number
- Name of institution
- Address of institution
- Dates of attendance
- Date(s) of incident(s) related to the complaint
- Explanation of the steps taken to exhaust the institution’s grievance process
- Description of problem and supportive documentation
- Desired resolution of the complaint
(Note: Inquiries commercial in nature will not receive responses.)
Postal mail:
CPE Consumer Complaint
Council on Postsecondary Education
1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320
Frankfort, KY 40601
* In accordance with 13 KAR 4:010, a non-resident student attending a Kentucky college or university operating through the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) must first exhaust all internal procedures for complaint resolution offered by the college or university before filing a complaint. In addition, the incident giving rise to the complaint must have occurred within two years of filing.