Introducing Jaimie (Fike) Moore ’12 – Director of Advancement Services

Education: Bachelor of Arts in English

Family: “My husband is Ryan Moore ’12, a CPA and senior manager in the Tax Services Division at Riney Hancock CPAs. We have been together since our freshman year at Wesleyan.”

Son, Micah (3) Daughter, Rosalie (18 months)

Career: “I worked at Girls Inc. in varying capacities since 2010, after volunteering there as a Kappa Delta while at Wesleyan. I worked in direct programming, site management, donor management, marketing and fundraising while employed there.”

Why did you choose to return to your alma mater as an employee?
“I was excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to the place that jump-started my career in nonprofits and to use those skills in a way that helps students have the same Wesleyan experience I did.”

How did Wesleyan prepare you for life?
“One of the most influential experiences I had at Wesleyan was my sorority, Kappa Delta. The leadership opportunities on council helped me refine my organizational and operational skills, and KD philanthropy volunteering with Girls Inc. led me to my career in nonprofits. Kappa Delta, and Greek Life in general, truly helped me get the most out of my time at Wesleyan.”

“I have two toddlers . . . so do potty training and relentlessly listening to “Baby Shark” count? On the off chance that I get a few moments to myself, my Kindle is my best friend. I love to read.”

What is your favorite way to spend a Friday night?
“I spend almost every Friday night with my Life Group (small group from Life Community Church). We are a handful of families who spend the evening cooking, eating, studying the Bible and wrangling our kids! I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!”

What are your first impressions of your alma mater as an employee rather than as a student?
“From the little time I have been here, I can already tell that Kentucky Wesleyan values the staff. Everyone I have come in contact with seems to genuinely enjoy their work, their coworkers and their supervisors.”