The Kentucky Wesleyan College Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Kevin Callihan with guest conductor Dr. Nick Palmer, will perform on Sunday, April 15, at 3 p.m. in the Daviess County High School Auditorium. The program will feature works by Chance, Rimsky-Korsakov, Ticheli, Barnes, Hazo and Monterde.
The Kentucky Wesleyan College Jazz Band, under the direction of Dr. Kevin Callihan, will perform on Monday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Tapscott Chapel in the Barnard-Jones Administration Building at Kentucky Wesleyan College. The program will feature works by Earth, Wind & Fire, Buddy Rich, Herbie Hancock, Carlos Jobim, Benny Goodman and many others.
The Kentucky Wesleyan College Concert Band, under the direction of Dr. Kevin Callihan with student conductors Nathan Payne, Brandon Reburn and Eric Stuart, and the Kentucky Wesleyan College Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Dr. Nick Palmer, will present a joint concert at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, in Rogers Hall at the Winchester Center at Kentucky Wesleyan College. The program will feature works by Bernstein, Copland, Daehn, Giroux, Hovhaness, Unger, Orff, Custer and Bourgeois.