KWC Zoology Program collaborates with Mesker Park Zoo

The Kentucky Wesleyan College zoology program is collaborating with Evansville’s Mesker Park Zoo this semester to serve the zoo and provide learning opportunities for the nine students enrolled in Zoology 390-Topics in Zoology: Science Outreach and Presentation Techniques. The course includes three components:

  • Guiding principles on developing and delivering interpretive presentations
  • Hands-on experience providing interpretive presentations to guests at the Mesker Park Zoo
  • Internship opportunity at the zoo with over 50 volunteer hours

The zoology students will take part in the zoo’s Earth Day observance, “Party for the Planet,” on Saturday, April 23, from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. They will present interpretations they have developed ranging from specific conservation topics to exotic pet trade to climate change.

The party will include fun and engaging activities that highlight the theme, “Spring into Action!” The event is designed to help families “spring into action” to save our species and planet through simple, meaningful daily actions. For more information, CLICK HERE.

“Given the number of students enrolled in the zoology program for the sole purpose of ultimately working at a zoo or aquarium, this partnership with the zoo provides an awesome opportunity,” said Dr. Jeremy Gibson, assistant professor of zoology and zoology program coordinator. “Our students gain valuable practical experience while serving the zoo as volunteers. We are grateful for the partnership.”

Kentucky Wesleyan is one of the few private colleges in the country that offers a zoology major. Graduates are well prepared for competitive employment opportunities in the private sector and with state and federal government agencies.

For more information about the KWC zoology program, CLICK HERE or contact Dr. Jeremy Gibson at 270-852-3165 or