Professor Ruby Hammond

Assistant Professor of Zoology
Yu Hak Hahn #120


Northern Arizona University   Ph.D. in Biology                                  

Northern Arizona University    M.Sc. in Biology                                  

Middle Tennessee State University     B.Sc. in Zoology



Vertebrate Zoology, Wildlife Management, Field Ornithology, Introductory Organismal Biology

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (*with undergraduates)

Foster, J. T., J. T. Hite, R. L. Hammond, and L. H. Crampton. In revision. Akikiki (Oremystis bairdi). In The Birds of North America, No. 552 (A. F. Poole and F. B. Gill, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA.

*Hammond, R. L., Y. A. Dozal, and T. C. Theimer. 2020. Bark-foragers may use artificially-created holes in trees as a foraging cue. Arizona Birds 2020: 1-8.

 Hammond, R. L., and T. C. Theimer. 2020. A review of tree-scale foraging ecology of insectivorous bark-foraging woodpeckers in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 478: 118516.

Hammond, R. L. 2020. Bird feeders increase connection to nature in parents but not in their children. Ecopsychology 12: 44–53.

Hammond, R. L. 2016. Daily survival rate of nests is lower in fruiting than non-fruiting tree species for a Hawaiian forest bird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128: 584–592.

Hammond, R. L., L. H. Crampton, and J. T. Foster. 2016. Nesting success of native and introduced forest birds on the island of Kauai. Journal of Avian Biology 47: 252–262.

 Hammond, R. L., L. H. Crampton, and J. T. Foster. 2015. Breeding biology of two endangered forest birds on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117: 31–40.

Hammond, R. L. 2013. First successful introduction of the Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) to the United States. Pacific Science 67: 197–203.

Hammond, R. L. and C. Rehkemper. 2012. Conjoined-nesting of the Laysan Finch. Elepaio 72: 17–19.