“Prior to graduating, I had the opportunity one summer to work a part-time job at German American Bank that, upon graduating, turned into a full-time opportunity. I found myself staying in Owensboro as a result. The connections and involvement in our community I maintained through college cemented my decision to stay in the Owensboro area.
“Moving from student to staff is such an eye opener. It is like opening the back of a watch and seeing all the mechanisms that make it work. Suddenly, as a staff member, you see how all the departments work together to make the campus run smoothly and ensure our students have the best experiences and opportunities.
“When I moved into the Financial Aid office, I really saw on such a detailed level the way we all work together to create these experiences and opportunities. We get to peek behind the curtain and watch as donors give back, and how they directly affect these families who have need.
“Seeing all these mechanisms at work really put perspective on the scholarships I received as a student. I found a new appreciation for these individuals who either directly or indirectly contributed to my success.
“It was not long after I found that new appreciation that I also wanted to give back in my own way as a recent graduate. Working in Financial Aid, I’ve seen how a little goes a long way when we all contribute our part. I encourage anyone who can give to the collective success of our students to do so.
“I’ve learned there are many ways you can make an impact. For example, the photo above was taken at my favorite place on campus: the Eblen Family Patio. It is a great place to sit and eat lunch when the weather is nice. It is also a great location to see student life go by during the semester. You never know who you will run into on the Eblen Family Patio! The renovation of this patio was funded by the Eblen family, leaving a legacy for family members and a wonderful space to be enjoyed by students, faculty and staff.
“My friends in the Office of Philanthropy can tell you anything you need to know about naming opportunities, scholarships, giving societies and more! Give them a ring, I know they’ll be glad to hear from you.”