Wesleyan Kicks Shoe Drive

Wesleyan Kicks is a shoe drive hosted by Kentucky Wesleyan College’s Campus Ministries. Shawn Tomes is the head of the program and intends for the program to be ongoing to future semesters.

Senior Katie Laughlin is heading the advertising of Wesleyan Kicks for her senior project. Her goal is to raise 200 pairs of shoes from March 7th– April 7th. This allows her to do research for her project and allows the Wesleyan Family to get involved first.

Wesleyan Kicks will be taking donations from now until later summer. The ultimate goal is to raise 1,500 pairs of shoes.

They are accepting new and like new donations from March 7th– April 7th.

The shoes will be donated at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year. Youth service centers, family recourse centers, and Witness Kicks will guide this process.

Local missionaries will take boxes of shoes on their trips as well.

Please participate in Wesleyan Kick’s by donating and giving back to your community!

Please deliver your donated shoes to the Campus Ministries Office.