Wesleyan Way Day of Service and Giving Tuesday Takes Place Nov. 28 and 29

Wesleyan and the college community reaffirmed its commitment to honor, support, integrity and love last November when it instituted The Wesleyan Way Day of Service and Giving Tuesday. The two-day event saw 141 volunteers give 172 hours in the name of service, as well as 275 gifts from alumni, friends and employees to the tune of $113,054! As we gear up for Year 2, we hope you’ll consider investing in Wesleyan on Nov. 29 by visiting at kwc.edu/give, stopping by to see us in the Barnard-Jones Administration Building, or by calling 270.852.3142. If you’d like to get plugged in on the Wesleyan Way Day of Service, contact Blake Harrison at bharrison@kwc.edu. Don’t forget to spread the word! As you serve and give, encourage others by using #WesleyanServes and #WesleyanGives on social media. Every volunteer matters.. every dollar counts!

