Wesleyan Woman of Distinction: Eve (Bamberger) Holder ’97


B.S., Accounting 

Married to Brian
Three children – Max (15), Sam (11) and Hannah (10) 

Career:                                                                                 Member:

Controller,                                                               Kentucky Society of CPAs

Independence Bank                                               Kentucky Society of CPAs

Certified public accountant (CPA)                        American Institute of CPAS

Certified global management accountant

“I got off to a great start in my life and career at Kentucky Wesleyan. It was my dream to go to college in Owensboro, and Kentucky Wesleyan offered me a James Graham Brown scholarship. It was a good experience. My accounting professors, Raju Chenna and Jerry Trinkle, were always very helpful and supportive. I really hunkered down and studied, and my life came together during my Wesleyan years. I am very grateful.”

Tell us about your career.

“I passed the CPA exam on my first try. I then worked eight years in public accounting and audited banks, so I got to know banking quite well. I began at Independence Bank in 2005. I’m a wife, mother and controller at Independence Bank. I love my life, and I think I’m a better wife and mother because I enjoy my work. The people I work with mean a lot to me, and I feel that my career in banking rounds me out. I go 1,000 miles an hour. My kids see that I juggle lots of things and that I can do it, and I feel I’m a good role model for them. I am extremely goal oriented. That’s how I do it all.”

“I have tremendous respect for Independence Bank. They do a lot in the communities they serve, and I look forward to helping them grow in the years ahead.”

How did your Kentucky Wesleyan experience help prepare you for a successful life?

“The personal attention was so valuable. Professor Raju Chenna was my advisor, and he was always available to answer questions and help me navigate through studying and preparing for life after college. He helped me get my first internship, helped me get ready to interview for jobs and did so much to help me prepare for the CPA. His advice, time and attention helped me get to where I am today. I’ll never forget it.”

How are you involved in community life?

“I’m on the board of the Owensboro Youth Hockey Association and serve as treasurer. That is all I can handle right now! My kids play sports, and we love to attend their sporting events.”

What advice do you have for our current students?

“Don’t just live for today. Look past today, plan ahead and sacrifice for your future. Be goal oriented. I always have a five-year plan, and that keeps me focused and on target. It is never too soon to start planning for your future. Do it now!”