Henderson, Ky.
Scott: Vice president of executive initiatives and retention, Kentucky Wesleyan
Penny: Lead contract representative for Boardwalk Pipelines-Texas Gas
Why did you attend Wesleyan?
Scott: “Tom Major ’79, who worked with my dad in Henderson, was a great ambassador for Wesleyan and informed Dad about all Wesleyan had to offer. I got good scholarships and made the football and baseball teams. I still appreciate Tom Major’s influence. It changed my life.”
Penny: “I have a quick answer. I went to Henderson Community College for two years and then followed Scott to Wesleyan!”
Scott, tell us about your 30 year career as a Wesleyan staff member.
“After graduation, I worked for a finance company for several months, and then (baseball) Coach Denny Potts called and asked if I would consider working at Wesleyan. I was an admissions counselor for four years, and that first year, I also helped coach baseball. I was then the registrar for eight years, which I really liked. Students came to me in crisis mode at times, and I was able to influence them to stick it out and stay in college. This impacted retention, and I liked that.
“I was then the dean of students for 17 years, which I found very rewarding. I learned what it took to recruit students when I was in Admissions, and I got to help keep them here as dean. When students needed help, I looked for solutions and tried to guide them in the right direction.
“Now, as vice president for executive initiatives and retention, I get use the experience I’ve gained over the years in new ways to support the president’s efforts and impact retention even more.”
Why do you give to Wesleyan?
“Wesleyan means a lot to us and is a big part of our lives. We know what Wesleyan did for us as first-generation college students. Eleven members of our family have attended Wesleyan, including daughter Paige ’15, son Joey ’13 and Joey’s fiancé, Bri Outland ’14. We started giving early in our marriage when we learned that Texas Gas would match our gifts. We like to support the College because it impacted our lives and so many of the lives of our family members. We are all proud of the College and its contributions to the betterment of so many lives. We want to be a part of that.”
Why do you encourage others to give?
“Giving is personal. We believe we have an obligation to support efforts that have impacted our lives and will impact other lives, and we are passionate about Wesleyan. We know that countless others have experienced the same benefits we have through their experiences at Wesleyan, and we urge them to support the College that supported them and made their lives better. What could be more rewarding?”
Tell us about the commitment your family has made to recognizing your former Wesleyan baseball coach, Denny Potts.
So many have great memories of Coach Potts’ influence and impact on the Wesleyan community, and several of his players and friends are investing in the College to permanently recognize his service. Our family has made a multi-year pledge of $10,000 to this effort. I encourage other former players to do the same.
Contact Blake Harrison, director of development and donor relations, at bharrison@kwc.edu or 270-852-3460 to support the effort to honor Coach Potts.