Describe in detail the circumstances of your difficulty as to why you were unable to meet satisfactory academic performance. State
why you believe it is possible for you to improve upon your past academic performance and what corrective action you have taken
or will take.
Attach any documents (e.g. doctor’s/hospital statements, letter from counselor, minister/pastors/priest, letter from work
supervisor, etc.) that will support your appeal.
You must meet with your Advisor regarding your failure to meet satisfactory academic
performance and outline a plan for achieving this goal. Be aware the quickest way to raise
your GPA and regain satisfactory academic performance will be to repeat classes you have
failed. You must contact your Academic Advisor to have an Academic Plan submitted to the
Dean of the College before your appeal can be submitted.
I understand that, in addition to this written request, I may be required to meet with
the Provst and/or the Associate Dean.