Health Services

Welcome to Health Services

Kentucky Wesleyan College is pleased to announce our partnership with CampusCare | 98point6 to provide students with 24/7 virtual primary medical care (by text and/or video) access to licensed and board-certified U.S. physicians in all 50 states.

Access to these app accessible health services starts on August 1, 2023. Medical issues or concerns can be addressed quickly and easily via the app. You have access to a maximum of 36 visits per calendar year for primary care, for concerns such as upper respiratory, gastrointestinal, allergies, skin rash, urinary tract infections, and more.

Get started by downloading the 98point6 app on Android or iOS, then follow the instructions here.

Health Insurance

All full-time students are required to have health insurance. Proof of insurance must be on file in the Student Health office.

Forms and Documents

Student Health Form
*New Students – Please have a digital copy of your immunization record and health insurance card (both front and back)
*Returning Students – If there have been any changes to your immunization record and/or insurance, you will need to upload the updated files

Immunization Policy

Free HIV Testing for Students

We are currently affiliated with a program that offers free, confidential HIV tests. This is a simple three step process where you can receive the test and the results quickly. All that is required is your KWC student e-mail. Other STD tests are available at a discount using gift cards that you can pick up in the nurse’s office, room 213 Administration bldg. Use the following link to access this offer. The link will guide you to a universities and colleges page. Find KWC and follow directions.

Class Excuses

It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the professor in the event of a class absence due to illness or injury, and to follow the requirements of that professor regarding the course work missed. When possible, the student should contact the instructor before the class is missed. If the instructor contacts Health Services, only the dates of the student being seen will be verified.


Kentucky Wesleyan College has seven Automatic External Defibrillators on campus. Be prepared — see locations and directions for the AEDs.