The Kentucky Wesleyan CAREs (Communication, Action, Response, and Education) Team exists to assist with any situation that could potentially disrupt a student’s success. We hope to intervene early, when possible, to help support the student. 

Often, students who are experiencing challenges in one aspect of their lives also struggle in other areas. For example, a student who is having a roommate issue may be suffering academically as a result. A student who is under great stress academically may act out in unhealthy ways in their social lives. The purpose of our cross-collaboration within the CAREs Team is to connect different pieces of information about students who are experiencing difficulties to have a larger context for what is happening in students’ lives. This, in turn, allows for better consultation with students to refer them to the most appropriate resources. Maximizing student success and student persistence to graduation is our goal.

When to Share A Concern:
Students, Faculty, Parents, and others are strongly encouraged to share with us when they have significant concerns about a student’s well-being.  Concerns can be about any aspect of a student’s life. 

Common Examples of Concerning Behaviors:
The following list of indicators provides some context when deciding whether a student may need additional support:

Academic Performance or Attendance:

      • Excessive Absences
      • Lack of Participation
      • Missing Homework or Quizzes
      • Low test grades
      • Didn’t register for classes

Behavior (Classroom):

      • Disruptive behavior in the classroom
      • Excessive Tardiness
      • Sleeping in class

Behavior (Outside of the Classroom):

      • Excessive use or reliance on alcohol/other drugs
      • Lack of personal hygiene or self-care (showering, room cleanliness)
      • Extreme fatigue, exhaustion
      • Frequent or chronic illness

Mental Health:

      • Comments about suicide or harm to others
      • Socially withdrawn, isolated, lack of communication with anyone around them
      • Direct statements of distress (“I’m really struggling”)
      • Significant change in overall mood
      • Angry or hostile outbursts, yelling or aggressive comments
      • Appears over-anxious or extremely distressed, panic attacks
      • Excessively demanding or dependent behavior
      • Refusing help and unwilling to respond to outreach

Personal Circumstance:

      • Roommate or Relationship Issues
      • Death of a family member, friend, or pet
      • Lack of connection or involvement on campus
      • Expressed intent to withdraw or transfer from KWC
      • Change in finances (loss of jobs, parents have lost job)
      • Housing or Food Insecurity
      • Trouble on their athletic team

Three Important Reasons to Share Your Concerns:

  • Earlier Intervention: Often, a quick response to provide a distressed student/friend with timely resources will ensure that the student remains successful academically and socially. Late intervention often involves missed classes, isolation from friends and family, possible withdrawal from school and an overall interruption in the student’s experience.
  • Connecting the Dots: Our goal is to connect concerns we receive from across campus. This allows us to provide a greater level of support for each student involved. Each piece of information helps to paint a picture that we can then respond to effectively.
  • We Care, You Care: Making a referral shows that you care enough to get the student the help they need. It means you are not prepared to let a student fall through the cracks. It means that the Kentucky Wesleyan College community loves and supports one another.

Steps You Can Take NOW Before/After Sharing Your Concerns:
Before or after sharing a referral with us, consider these steps:

  • Talk to the Student: Share your concerns privately and objectively. Let them know you care about them. Ask them open questions and encourage a dialogue about possible first steps.
  • Offer to Connect the Student Directly: If there is a resource the student might benefit from, offer to connect them directly. Walk them to the office or person that can help, introduce them personally, and stay with them while they seek assistance. Also, you can email the service directly and include the student – make it a personal connection that the student will find easier to use.
  • Follow-up with the Student: Set up a plan for checking in with the student – plan to meet later the next day or the next week; establish lunch or coffee plans;
  • Let Us Help: Consult with the Dean of Students (270-852-3285) or Student Success Center (270-852-3220) on resources and options for success. Update us on how the student is doing and whether things are getting better/worse?