Lab Experience
The KWC Department of Biology maintains modern, well-equipped laboratories where students can supplement their lecture experience with hands-on learning in anatomy, genetics, immunology, microbiology and more.
We also encourage our majors to carry out research projects, which ideally provide the basis for their senior seminar.
Field Experience
We also value experiential learning in the field – courses such as ecology, field botany, ichthyology and marine biology have significant field components.
In local field experience, for example, ichthyology students learn seining techniques for fish studies. Farther afield, our marine biology class heads to Belize over Spring Break for firsthand looks at the marine life there. (see photos below)
Students sometimes have the opportunity to spend a summer at a larger research institution (UK, U of L, UGA, etc.). They sometimes work on projects at Owensboro facilities or work with KWC faculty in completing a project.