Professor JP Clark
Assistant Professor of Education
FOB 17
• Ed.D., Teacher Leadership, Western Kentucky University
• M.S., Education, University of Evansville
• B.S., Chemistry with Secondary Education, Murray State University
• Rank I
• Professional certificate for teaching chemistry grade 8-12
• Certificate for Instructional Leadership, Principal K-12
Professional Memberships
• American Association of Chemistry Teachers
• American Chemical Society
• American Educational Research Association
Selected Publications
Clark, J.-P. (2018, November 11). Project-based Learning and 3-D Assessment. Presentation delivered at state conference of Kentucky Science Teachers Association in Lexington, KY.
Clark, J.-P., Houchens, G. W., Everson, K., Norman, A., & Schroeder, J. (2018, October 11). The School Improvement Scholastic Review (SISR): Can Teacher Perception Survey Predict Student Achievement? Presentation delivered at conference of Consortium for Research on Educational Assessment and Teaching Effectiveness in Williamsburg, VA.
Clark, J.-P. (2016, April 1). Competency-based Scientific Practices in Science. Presentation at national conferenceof National Science Teachers Association in Nashville, TN.
Clark, J.-P., Niu, C., Zhang, J., Houchens, G. W., Norman, A. D., Miller, S. K., & Chon, K. (2014, November). A Synthesis of Competency-based instruction: Implications for Developing Classroom Observation Protocols for Race-to-the-Top District Kid-FRIENDLy schools. Paper session presented at the meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association in Knoxville, TN.