
A major in Physics at Kentucky Wesleyan prepares students for technical employment or for entrance into graduate study in physics, medical physics, engineering or related fields.

Physicists work in a variety of areas from basic research at universities and government laboratories to education, healthcare, manufacturing, consulting and analysis firms.

As a Physics major, you will gain an understanding of the broad range of general principles that characterizes physics. You’ll also learn how to apply theoretical and experimental techniques to solve problems.

Specifically, we intend our graduates to:

  • Understand the role of physics among the sciences and in society
  • Understand the basic principles and foundations of physics
  • Understand and use the methods and techniques in experimental physics
  • Develop the ability for problem solving in physics
  • Develop computer programming skills
  • Develop technical communication skills.

In recent years, about 40 percent of all physics bachelors degree recipients enter the workforce immediately after graduation, about 35 percent pursue graduate degrees in physics or astronomy and about 20 percent pursue a graduate degree in some other field. At KWC, we’ll prepare you for whatever you want to do next.

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