Kentucky Wesleyan College will return to in-person instruction and resume on-campus housing along with full academic support services this August. KWC President, Dr. Thomas Mitzel, released an Executive Summary of the College’s Phase III Opening Plan on Wednesday.
“To help navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, the College established a COVID-19 response team in February, 2020,” said Mitzel. “This team has been integral in helping guide the institution through the difficult but necessary decisions that have been made on campus this past spring and summer. In accordance with the safety guides established by the state of Kentucky and the CDC, I asked the COVID-19 response team to draft Phase I, Phase II and Phase III plans for re-opening our campus which had closed to the public on April 6, 2020.”
As part of the return to a healthy campus this fall, students, faculty and staff are also being asked to commit to the “Panther Promise.” This is a social contract that outlines the steps and measures each member of the KWC community will commit to in order to minimize risk and keep campus safe.
“These are living documents. By that I mean that they are flexible and will be updated as needed regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic may change as we enter the fall months. The landscape is much different now than it was when this planning process began, and we understand that the landscape may keep shifting, requiring us to realign best practices when needed.”
Kentucky Wesleyan previously announced a revised fall 2020 academic calendar with classes beginning on Aug. 17 and offered in a hybrid fashion. All classrooms and meeting spaces have been reset to allow for appropriate physical distancing. There will be no Labor Day or Fall Break holidays in order to limit travel and potential exposure. Regular classes will conclude Nov. 24 with Final Exams after the Thanksgiving break via online delivery.
Please visit the KWC COVID-19 site for the Executive Summary of the Phase III Opening Plan along with further information, resources and answers to frequently asked questions pertaining to College operations amid this pandemic.