Student Mentees
What is the purpose of Panther CAP?
Panther CAP connects current Kentucky Wesleyan students with Kentucky Wesleyan alumni or friends of the college, providing them with an easy way to form rewarding, mutually beneficial relationships.
How do I sign up for Panther CAP?
Signing up is easy! Simply complete and submit the online Student Mentee Application Form and the Office of Engagement will begin searching for the best Career Ally match.
After signing up, all student participants will meet with Laura Rudolph prior to the start of the program and before meeting their Career Ally. This will be an opportunity to hear about program expectations and have any questions answered.
How am I paired with my Career Ally?
The Office of Engagement will personally pair you based on your field of study, career goals, and interests, which you indicate on your application.
What is expected of me?
Panther CAP partnerships are intended to last an entire school year. Student Mentees are expected to contact their Career Ally a minimum of 4 times per semester. Partners should meet in person or virtually at least twice each semester. Before your meetings, you should prepare questions for your Career Ally. You can ask about their experiences and what they do in their career, tell them about your goals, and even ask them for advice.
The more effort you put in to create a meaningful connection with your Career Ally, the more you will take away from the experience. These alumni/friends are excited to help you, so take advantage of this valuable opportunity!
Is Panther CAP a way for students to find a job?
No. Please DO NOT ask your mentor for a job or internship. Panther CAP is about building your professional network, developing your professional and communication skills, exploring areas of interest, gaining exposure to career options, and connecting your academics and career. It is not a direct resource for finding a job or internship, though it can often help with this down the road.
Career Allies
Why become a Career Ally?
Alumni/Friends of the college become Career Allies for a variety of reasons. It feels great to pay it forward and help students unlock their potential. You also can learn from your Student Mentee (or even find the next hire for your team). Lastly, you are sure to build coaching and leadership skills along the way.
How does it work for Career Allies?
First, complete the Career Ally Interest Form. The Office of Engagement will do their best to find a Student Mentee that shares an interest in your career field. Once you are paired, you will be connected with one another. From there, you and your Student Mentee will continue to communicate independent of the Office of Engagement.
What is expected of me as a Career Ally?
Share your experiences and career journey with your Student Mentees. Help your mentees define their own goals and support them as they work toward those goals. Be a resource to your mentees as they develop their career interests and face new challenges. Stay committed to the mentoring connection and make an effort to communicate regularly with your mentees (we tell them the same thing!). Partners are expected to meet in person or virtually at least twice each semester. Meaningful conversations via email or over the phone are also highly recommended between meetings.
You’ll help your mentees set goals, support their personal and professional development, model professional behavior, and challenge them to go beyond their comfort zone in some way in order to achieve personal growth.
You are NOT expected to offer jobs or internships to your mentee, or to have all the answers!
I’m not receiving messages from my Student Mentee consistently, what do I do?
We encourage Student Mentees to reach out to their Career Allies and initiate conversation. Please be sure to reply to your Student Mentee in a consistent and timely manner. If you do not hear from your partner as often as you had hoped, reach out to them! They may be shy or feel a little nervous to speak with you. A quick message from you can go a long way in developing the relationship.
If you attempt to reach out and still do not hear from your Student Mentee, email Laura Rudolph at
How do I report inappropriate conduct?
Contact Laura Rudolph at