Please refer to the current Academic Bulletin for the most updated list of course descriptions for this major.
EXSC 101 Fitness and Wellness
3 Semester Credit Hours
Through self-testing laboratories each student develops an individualized fitness and wellness profile. From this profile each student then designs and implements an individualized fitness and wellness program. Throughout, emphasis is placed on understanding the basic principles and concepts underlying physical fitness, health and exercise. Required of all students. (Transfer credit: determined by Registrar). Offered every semester.
EXSC 103 Introduction to Physical Education and Health
1 Semester Credit Hour
An introduction to various concepts thought to be influential in giving direction to programs of Kinesiology and Health Promotion. Offered as needed.
EXSC 280 Kinesiology and Anatomy for Exercise Science and Sports
3 Semester Credit Hours
An introduction to the skeletal and articulation system, and the muscular and nervous systems along with other key bodily structures and functions related to exercise (e.g., bioenergetics). (Offered every spring semester).
EXSC 301 Exercise Practicum 1 Semester Credit Hour Practical experience in teaching kinesiology and health promotion activities. Class time will be arranged. EXSC 301 is offered each semester. Sophomore status.
EXSC 305 Philosophy of Sports and Exercise
3 Semester Credit Hours
A philosophical analysis of sports and exercise. Offered every Spring.
EXSC 306 Biomechanics of Exercise and Sports
3 Semester Credit Hours
Basic principles of physics applied to body movement. Emphasis is placed on the mechanical analysis of exercise and sports skills. Offered every Spring.
EXSC 310 Sociological and Psychological Aspects of Sports
3 Semester Credit Hours
The first half of the semester is devoted to understanding basic sociological concepts and examining social issues in sport (e.g., aggression and violence, racism, sexism, sport and education). The second half of the semester focuses on the concepts and applications of sport psychology. (Non-majors require consent of instructor). Offered every Fall.
EXSC 323 Exercise Physiology
3 Semester Credit Hours
The study of how the body, from a functional standpoint, responds, adjusts, and adapts to exercise. More Specifically, it is the study of the basic physiologic principles and concepts that relate to the muscular system, nervous, system, bioenergetics, and cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. This course also involves the study of how performance can be affected physiologically by various factors, e.g., nutrition, environment, age and gender. Offered every Fall.
EXSC 360 Exercise Assessment and Prescription
3 Semester Credit Hours
Along with an analysis of statistical techniques, this course familiarizes students with the hands-on training and theoretical background needed to competently assess health-related components of fitness (cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, body composition) in an apparently healthy adult population. The content of this course is focused toward the knowledge and skills required for taking the ACSM Health Fitness Specialist and ACSM Personal Trainer certification exams. Prerequisite: EXSC 323. Offered every Fall.
EXSC 370 Nutrition for Health and Human Performance
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of basic nutrition principles to help promote and maintain health throughout the life cycle. It provides information to assist students in developing healthy lifestyle choices. A discussion of nutritional modifications, which may be required for persons with special circumstances, is included. Prerequisite: EXSC 280 or BIO 241. Offered every Fall.
EXSC 390 Physical Activity for Special Populations
3 Semester Credit Hours
The primary objective of this course is to examine how physical activity may affect the prevention and treatment of specific chronic disease. The focus will be on reviewing what health professionals have learned about these processes including the epidemiology, physiology, etiology, and treatment. Prerequisite: EXSC 360. Offered every Spring.
EXSC 400 Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will explore key theories, concepts and scientific principles of strength training and conditioning as well as the direct application to athletic competition and performance. Prerequisites: EXSC 280, EXSC 323. Offered spring semester of odd numbered years.
EXSC 403 Wellness Practicum
2 Semester Credit Hours
Practical experience in exercise science or sports management. Majors only. Offered each semester.
EXSC 410 Ethics in Sport and Exercise
3 Semester Credit Hours
An inquiry into ethics and morality as they relate to sport and exercise. Ethical and logical reasoning is emphasized through discussion and debate of such concepts as competition, violence, interpersonal power, substance use and sportsmanship. Consideration is also given to professional ethics for the person who is considering this field as a career specialization. (Non-majors require consent of instructor). Offered every Spring.
EXSC 411, 421, 431 Independent Study
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
Individual study of an approved topic in kinesiology and health. Promotion under the supervision of a member of the academic program.
EXSC 430 Internship
3 Semester Credit Hours
Practical experience in exercise science or sport management. Majors only. Offered each semester. Consent of Program Director is required.
EXSC 440 Physical Activity Programming
3 Semester Credit Hours
Application of fitness assessments and the subsequent development, organization, and implementation of exercise programs for healthy individuals and individuals with controlled diseases. The practical assessment experience provides application of exercise principles. Prerequisites: EXSC 323 and EXSC 360. Offered every Spring.
PE 200 Contemporary Health Topics
3 Semester Credit Hours
A comprehensive study of relevant health issues with consideration given to their physical, emotional, social and intellectual dimensions. Topics to be studied include emotional health, stress management, physical, fitness, sexuality, nutrition, weight management, cardiovascular disease, cancer and infectious diseases. Offered each semester.
PE 206 Human Sexuality Education
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course introduces the student to the sociological, physiological and psychological aspects of human
sexuality. Applications include sexuality education in school settings, community settings, healthcare settings, and home life applications. Subcomponents include life issues, courtship, marriage, reproduction, and aging. Offered on an irregular basis.
PE 211 Motor Development
1 Semester Credit Hour
Each student will study and analyze motor development theories as they apply to human performance from birth to old age. The application of this knowledge to the field of Kinesiology and Health Promotion also will be emphasized. Offered on an irregular basis.
PE 231 Activity for Majors I
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will prepare Kinesiology and Health Promotion majors seeking certification to teach a variety of individual and dual activities, (e.g., tennis, golf, dance, racquetball, conditioning, etc.). This course will focus on teaching majors to “teach” the activities; centering on teaching methods, sequences and progressions, while also teaching the skills, fundamentals, rules and terminology. Prerequisites: EXSC 103 and PE 211. Offered on an irregular basis.
PE 232 Activity for Majors II
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will prepare Kinesiology and Health Promotion majors seeking certification to teach a variety of team activities, (e.g. soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball). This course will focus on teaching majors to “teach” the activities; centering on teaching methods, sequences and progressions, while also teaching the skills, fundamentals, rules and terminology. Prerequisites: EXSC 103 and PE 211. Offered on an irregular basis.
PE 304 Methods & Materials for Teaching Secondary Physical Ed.
3 Semester Credit Hours
Through classroom and practicum-site work, students will enhance their abilities in planning, implementing and evaluating physical education programs in secondary schools. A primary focus will be to improve knowledge and managerial and personal skills so students will be successful teachers at the secondary level. Clinical and Field experience hours required. Prerequisites: ED 100, ED 200, and admission to the Teacher Education Program. Offered on an irregular basis.
PE 307 Methods and Materials, Teaching Physical Education K-8
3 Semester Credit Hours
Planning, implementing and evaluating physical education programs for children K-8 will be emphasized. Students will learn how to build a curriculum, use materials and teach children all aspects of elementary and middle school physical education. Prerequisites: ED 100, ED 200, and admission to the Teacher Education Program. Offered every Fall.
PE 308 Sports and Fitness Management
3 Semester Credit Hours
Analysis of administrative and organizational procedures related to current trends in fitness/wellness, sports and athletic management. Offered every Spring.
PE 401 Seminar
3 Semester Credit Hours
A capstone course designed to explore the current issues, problems and opportunities in kinesiology and health promotion. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Offered every Spring.
PE 406 Adapted Physical Education
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course takes a developmental approach to providing physical education to persons with disabilities. Through classroom learning and practical experience students will learn to plan effective physical education programs for persons with disabilities. Offered on irregular basis. Admission to the Teacher Education Program is required.
PEH 251 Foundations of Health Education
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course introduces the student to the fundamental issues involved in health education and health promotion activities. Students will explore issues surrounding health topics, theories and models of health education. Cognitive and affective learning methods will be addressed. Additionally, students will learn the various databases, web sites, and public health information documents currently available to health educators, as well as the various inventories used to collect health data. Offered on irregular basis.
PEH 320 Drug Use and Abuse
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will survey the pharmacological, behavioral and psychological effects of some of the most commonly used legal and illegal drugs in modern society. Societal, clinical, and health effects of drug use and abuse will also be addressed. Prerequisite: PSY101 or BIO231/232. Offered during the Fall of even-numbered years. Crosslisted with PSY 320.
PEH 405 Consumer Health
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course introduces students to issues surrounding consumerism, i.e. being an educated and aware consumer. Topics consist of a variety of issues, including the history of quackery in health products and services, advertising ploys, current trends in health consumerism, internet purchasing, herbal and over-the-counter health products, and related
issues. There are no prerequisites for this course per se, however it is recommended that students have upper division standing and have completed most of the Kinesiology and Health Promotion or health content courses. Offered on irregular basis.
PEH 408 Comprehensive School Health Programs
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course introduces the student to the issues involved in planning, implementing and evaluating health education programs, with the emphasis on school settings. Topics include needs assessment, health promotion and safety issues, life skills subjects, motivational factors, health/life skills portfolios, and teaching methods. Students will be taught how to develop a school health program, and to effectively utilize the community resources available to them. They will be taught how to assess the effectiveness of programs through the collection of data. Teaching demonstrations in class and in the school setting will be used as part of the assessment process. Offered on irregular basis.
PEH 435 Health Ethics & Society
3 Semester Credit Hours
An inquiry into ethics and morality as these apply to contemporary issues in health and medicine. Ethical and logical reasoning is emphasized through study of relevant literature, perspective-taking, and discussion and debate. Euthanasia, organ transplantation, genetic engineering, family violence, birth technologies, and rising health care costs are some of the issues examined. Offered every Fall.