Arinn Neel

My name is Arinn Neel, and I am the owner of Kneeling Hands a healthcare company that certifies healthcare professionals, businesses and individuals in CPR, AED, and First Aid in Maryland Virginia, and Texas. I have over 20 years’ experience in health and wellness, management, and customer service. 

My educational background includes a BS in Communications from University of Maryland Global Campus, an MS in Sports Management from West Virginia University. My certifications and licenses include a BLS and Advanced First Aid Instructor, Certified Library Associate, and CDC Head Up to Youth Sports: Sports Officials and Athletic Trainers.

I love track and field, football, basketball, and have a passion for healthcare and injury prevention which is essential in building knowledge and promoting health and wellness within sports. My hobbies include running, spending time with family, and watching some of my favorite teams my Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, and the Lakers.

My philosophy of teaching is to deliver a learning environment that is inclusive, innovative, student-centered, and fosters an environment of critical thinking. I look forward to teaching and learning with you