Online Animation Minor

Kentucky Wesleyan’s online minor in Animation provides design, theory, and production through the creative process using motion through visual storytelling. You will become proficient in leading industry standard software, including Blendr and Maya. Upon completion of the minor, you will gain the skills to research, create, and produce interactive digital 2D/3D animation, graphics, and cartoons.

An online minor in Animation will complement degrees in other disciplines, including Communication Arts, Graphic Design, and General Studies, by providing you with the fundamental skills necessary to become a visual storyteller. The opportunity to add an online minor in Animation allows you to tailor your education to fit your interests and career goals.

Requirements Courses18 credit hours
Course NumberCourse NameCredit Hours
ART 101Beginning Drawing3
ART 1112D Design3
ART 210Graphic Design I3
ART 325Digital Animation3
ART 4253D Modeling Printing3
ART 453Digital Painting3

Choose two (2) courses from the following:

Course NumberCourse NameCredit Hours
ART 483Advanced Animation3
CART 207Audio Production3
ENGL 300Film Script Analysis and Production3
ENGL 330Screen Writing3
ENGL 335Creative Writing for Children and Young Adults3
ENGL 344Page to Stage Worksh0p3