Student Spotlight – Braxton Shelton ’24

“I chose KWC because of the small classes. I wanted to be known by name, not a number. I also chose KWC for the community aspect the campus held. One of my values is giving back to others what was given to me, and I liked how the campus fits right into that.

“What is special to me about KWC is how the school really treasures making sure that there is a community. You can walk across campus, and everyone will say hello and check in, which you would miss out on if you went to a bigger school. I am glad I chose to enroll here because I was able to be involved while playing a sport, which was a high priority for me.

“I would say the biggest mentors I have had here are Dr. Cousins [provost and vice president of academic affairs] and Dr. Eric Schmidt [professor of legal studies and political science]. Professor Schmidt is not only my academic advisor, but he is also my professor in most of my classes. He has really pushed and shaped me as a student but has also congratulated me along the way. He made sure I was prepared for the next steps I would face once I graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan. Dr. Cousins has provided a warm welcome since I got here. He has pushed me in different aspects of life, like making sure I apply to an Ivy League law school. He saw a lot of potential in me and made sure I wasn’t about to sell myself short of doing great things.

“I play volleyball. I am the Black Student Union president, NAACP treasurer and on the Code of Conduct committee. During my free time, I help work in the Athletic Department.

“KWC is helping me prepare for the next steps in life by getting me prepared for the process of going to law school. I have had a great support system, from the Student Success Center letting me use a study room to take my LSAT to my advisor making sure I am on track with everything.

“My plans after KWC are to go to law school with an emphasis in business and international law.

“My past three years here have shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the relationships and friendships I was able to make here, and I am also very grateful that I also get to continue playing the sport I love on a collegiate level.”