Please refer to the current Academic Bulletin for the most updated list of course descriptions for this major.
CHEM 121: General Chemistry Laboratory I
2 Semester Credit Hours
Two hours of recitation and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Offered every Fall to accompany Chemistry 131.
CHEM 122: General Chemistry Laboratory II
2 Semester Credit Hours
Two hours of recitation and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 121. Offered every Spring to accompany Chemistry 132.
CHEM 131: General Chemistry I
3 Semester Credit Hours
A systematic approach to the basic fundamental concepts and principles of chemistry including atomic and molecular structure, stoichiometry, chemical thermodynamics and physical states of matter. Designed for those students whose major concentrations are in the fields of science or mathematics. Three lecture hours per week. Corequisite: CHEM 121. Offered every Fall.
CHEM 132: General Chemistry II
3 Semester Credit Hours
A continuation of Chemistry 131 which emphasizes additional concepts of chemistry including chemistry of solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium and electro-chemistry and a systematic approach to the properties of the elements and their compounds. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 131. Corequisite: CHEM 122. Offered every Spring.
CHEM 140: Concepts in Chemistry
4 Semester Credit Hours
A survey of the fundamental concepts and principles of chemistry and the examination of the impact of chemistry on modern society. Intended primarily for pre-nursing, health sciences and zoology. Acceptable for non-science majors. Three lecture hours and one 2 1/2-hour laboratory per week. It is recommended that students have a good high school mathematics background or have completed an introductory college math course before enrolling in this course. Offered on an irregular basis.
CHEM 141: Culinary Reactions: The Chemistry of Food and Cooking
4 Semester Credit Hours
This course is designed to introduce the physical and chemical properties of matter and their application to the four food molecules: water, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This knowledge will be used to explore the science behind cooking processes. Group work is an important part of the course. It fulfills a lab science General Education requirement. Intended for non-science majors. Three lecture hours and one 2 ½ hour laboratory per week. Offered on an irregular basis.
CHEM 230: Chemistry of Life Processes
3 Semester Credit Hours
A course designed to introduce forensic science, zoology and certain health science students to the chemistry of living organisms. Atomic and molecular structures are related to species in the body such as inorganic ions and bioorganic molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, enzymes and their relationship to metabolic processes. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 140 or permission of instruction. Offered every Spring.
CHEM 321: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
2 Semester Credit Hours
This laboratory course consists of experiments involving basic methods of identification and separation of organic compounds, including thin-layer chromatography; organic synthesis illustrating fundamental reaction mechanisms; and an introduction to modern instrumental techniques, such as gas-liquid partition chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. Two hours recitation and 3-hours laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 122; corequisite: CHEM 331. Offered every Fall.
CHEM 322: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
2 Semester Credit Hours
A continuation of Chemistry 3201. Experiments include the synthesis of organic compounds such as polymers and dyes, reaction kinetics and the instrumental techniques of ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Two hours recitation and 3-hours laboratory per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 321; corequisite: CHEM 332. Offered every Spring.
CHEM 324: Junior Seminar
2 Semester Credit Hours
Junior Seminar will introduce students to chemical literature and how to find, use, and cite articles appropriately. Offered every Fall. Junior status required.
CHEM 331: Organic Chemistry I
3 Semester Credit Hours
A study of nomenclature, structure and properties of organic compounds and mechanisms of their reactions. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 132. Offered every Fall.
CHEM 332: Organic Chemistry II
3 Semester Credit Hours
A continuation of Chemistry 331. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 331. Offered every Spring.
CHEM 336: Instrumental Techniques of Biochemical Research
3 Semester Credit Hours
Instrument-based activities involving project-oriented lab work will prepare students in chemistry and biology for participation in research projects both on and off-campus. Primary emphasis will be given to ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry, chromatographic methods, mass spectrometry and contemporary data management processes. Two lecture hours and one, three hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 332 and CHEM 322 or permission of the instructor. Offered during the Spring of even-numbered years.
CHEM 341: Analytical Chemistry
4 Semester Credit Hours
Theory and experimentation in classical and instrumental analysis techniques including statistical analysis of experimental results. Three lecture hours and 3-laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 132. Offered every Fall.
CHEM 343: Physical Chemistry I
4 Semester Credit Hours
Theoretical and experimental aspects of physical chemistry with emphasis on chemical thermodynamics and the quantum theory of atomic structure. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 132, CHEM 122 and MATH 221. Cross-listed with PHYS 342. Offered every Fall.
CHEM 344: Physical Chemistry II
4 Semester Credit Hours
Theoretical and experimental aspects of physical chemistry with emphasis on molecular spectroscopy, statistical mechanics and chemical kinetics. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 343. Offered every Spring.
CHEM 400: Independent Study
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
Experimental research under the supervision of the chemistry faculty. Maximum 3 hours credit. Prerequisites: CHEM 343 and senior standing.
CHEM 401: Chemistry Directed Research
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
An opportunity for the upper-level chemistry student to carry out laboratory research under the direction of a chemistry faculty member. Students must complete a program statement of intention before registration. Prerequisite: Program faculty approval.
CHEM 414: Senior Seminar
1 Semester Credit Hour
Senior Seminar will require students to do a thorough literature review and give a full scientific presentation on a chemistry topic of their choosing. Offered every Fall. Senior status required.
CHEM 431: Inorganic Chemistry
3 Semester Credit Hours
A systematic approach to modern inorganic chemistry with emphasis on chemical bonding and molecular structure related to chemical and physical properties of inorganic compounds, group theory, coordination chemistry, organometallics and bioinorganic chemistry. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 332. Offered in the Fall of odd-numbered years.
CHEM 432: Advanced Organic Chemistry
3 Semester Credit Hours
Selected topics emphasizing the structure and properties of organic compounds and reaction mechanisms. The chemical literature is emphasized. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: CHEM 332. Offered in the Fall of odd-numbered years.
CHEM 433: Medicinal Chemistry
3 Semester Credit Hours
A survey of medicinal chemistry topics including drug discovery and development, intellectual property, metabolism, and drug-body interactions will be explored. Three lectures hours per week. Offered in the Fall of even-numbered years.
CHEM 441: Biochemistry
4 Semester Credit Hours
General survey of biomolecules including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, vitamins and minerals. The metabolism of the major nutrients and protein biosynthesis are studied. The laboratory involves the separation, structure determination and function of biomolecules emphasizing modern instrumental methods. Three lecture hours and one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisites: CHEM 332 and CHEM 322. Offered every Spring.