Please refer to the current Academic Bulletin for the most updated list of course descriptions for this major.
CM 201 Worship
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course introduces students to a practical theology of worship, examining the role of worship in Christian tradition and in current Christian practice. No prerequisite.
CM 202 Spiritual Disciplines
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course provides an overview of spiritual practices in the Christian tradition. Students will gain insight and experience in the use of spiritual disciplines as a tool in the formation of Christian disciples and leaders. No prerequisite.
CM 203 Preaching
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course teaches the basics of homiletics or preaching. Students will learn core preaching skills and will practice the art of preaching. No prerequisite.
CM 204 Youth Ministry
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course offers an overview of Christian ministry as it relates to young people. Taught by seasoned youth ministers, the class will give students a conceptual framework and practical skills in leading, teaching, mentoring and discipling youth. No prerequisite.
CM 205 Church Music
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course will explore the role and practice of music in Christian worship. Students should be instrumental musicians or vocalists who are seeking to use their musical abilities in Christian ministry. No prerequisite.
CM 206 Pastoral Counseling
1 Semester Credit Hour
This one-hour credit course will introduce students to counseling in Christian ministry settings. Students need not be seeking a vocation in Christian counseling or even ordained ministry. The course is for students interested in Christian service who seek skills in listening, pastoral care and non-professional counseling. No prerequisite.
CM 207 Introduction to Christian Ministries
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course seeks to lay a foundation for the understanding of Christian ministry. Students will explore topics important to the practice of ministry, gain skills in the study of Scripture and assess their own gift and abilities for ministry. The course is designed for persons seeking careers in full-time ministry and those who intend to serve in lay ministries. No prerequisites.
CM 305 Foundations of Christian Missions
3 Semester Credit Hours
Foundations of Christian Missions provide students with a basic understanding of Christian mission through exploring its historical, theological, biblical and practical bases. the class intends to prepare leaders for the Church by exposing students to mission’s central place in the Christian faith and offering them opportunities to gain abilities in providing mission-based leadership for the church in numerous ministry settings. Prerequisites: REL 100 or REL 102, or permission of the instructor.
CM 350 Spiritually Formative Leadership
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course emphasizes the importance of the Christian leader’s own spiritual development. On that basis, students consider the importance of as well as methods and models for communicating the leader’s own vibrant spirituality to those under her/his charge. Prerequisites: REL 100 or REL 102, or permission of the instructor.
CM 370 Practicum
3 Semester Credit Hours
Work in a church under the supervision of professionals. Regular meetings, projects and reports may be required as specified by instructor. Prerequisite: Junior status or consent of the instructor.