Federal and State Grants

  • Federal Pell Grant

    •  – For undergraduates who demonstrate financial need (determined by FAFSA)

       – Does NOT have to be repaid

       – Award amount for 2018-19 (July 1, 2018- June 30, 2019) can be up to $6,095 per year

        – Award amount for 2019-20 (July 1,2019- June 30, 2020) can be up to $6,195 per year

       – Awards are based on enrollment

       – Can receive up to 6 years

       – Must file FAFSA to be considered


  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

    •  – Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant.

       – For undergraduates who demonstrate extreme need for financial assistance (determined by FAFSA)

       – Does not have to be repaid

       – Award amount: $550 per year

       – Funds are limited

       – Must file FAFSA to be considered


  • Federal TEACH Grant

    •  – Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant

       – For students who plan to study course work to begin a career in teaching.

       – Must sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve (agree to serve 4 years teaching)

       – Does not have to be repaid unless TEACH Grant Agreement is broken

       – TEACH Grant applications can be found in the financial aid office

       – Must file FAFSA to be considered


  • Kentucky College Access Program (CAP)

    •  – College Access Program grant

       – Awarded on first-come, first-serve basis to students attending a private college/university

       – Must be a PELL eligible student

       – Must be a KY resident

       – Must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours

       – Can be awarded a maximum of 8 semesters

       – Award amount is $2,000 per year

       – Must file FAFSA to be considered


  • Kentucky Tuition Grant (KTG)

    •  – Kentucky Tuition Grant

       – Awarded on first-come, first serve basis to 
         students attending a private college or university

       – Must be a KY resident

       – Need based grant

    •  – Must be enrolled full time
    •  – Award amounts can change annually

       – Must file FAFSA to be considered


  • Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES)

    •  – Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship

       – GPA determines award amounts for each year in high school (must be 2.5 or higher)

       – ACT/AP/IPB scores can result in a bonus award

       – Must be a graduate of an approved Kentucky high school

       – KEES awards must be used within five years of high school graduation

       – Can be awarded for a maximum of eight semesters

       – Check your KEES at kheaa.com (if an account has not been created you must create one)