Please refer to the current Academic Bulletin for the most updated list of course descriptions for this major.
CART 100 Mass Communications and Society
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course provides a general introduction to the various components of mass communications. Special emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of mass communications. Sociological, psychological, political, ethical and economic issues associated with the media are explored as well as mass media industries. Offered every Fall.
CART 101-301 Practicum
1-2 Semester Credit Hours
Practical experience through on the job training at WKWC-FM, The Panogram or other on-campus communications outlets. May be repeated for a maximum of four hours. Offered both Fall and Spring.
CART 105 Introduction to Media Writing
3 Semester Credit Hours
Theory and practices of writing across the various mass media. Emphasis will be placed on developing newswriting skills for the print, broadcast and related media, noting the different styles and formats of these media. Offered every Fall.
CART 140 Interpersonal Communication
3 Semester Credit Hours
Study and development of personal communication habits. Practice in conversation, discussions and human interaction. Offered every Spring.
CART 141 Basic Public Speaking
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course examines the techniques of speech composition and delivery. Emphasis upon construction of speeches for informal and formal speaking. Offered both Fall and Spring.
CART 203 Introduction to Advertising
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course surveys of all forms of advertising: magazine, newspaper, radio, television, social media, outdoor, point-of- purchase, etc. The development and societal implications of advertising are also explored. Consideration is given to campaign development, audience research, media planning and the structure of the advertising industry. Offered every Fall.
CART 204 Introduction to Public Relations
3 Semester Credit Hours
Introduction to Public Relations is an introductory survey of the field and practices of public relations. The course provides an overview of public relations as practiced in print, broadcast and internet-based media, corporate image development and relationship building. Offered every Spring.
CART 207 Audio Production
3 Semester Credit Hours
Basic theory and techniques of audio production, including production equipment used, basic principles of audio editing, and creative aspects of editing and audio delivery. The course will also include an overview of the audio production industry and business and legal issues associated with it. Prerequisite: CART 100 or consent of instructor. Offered on an irregular basis.
CART 300 Communications Theory
3 Semester Credit Hours
Communications Theory is an in-depth study of the functions and process of communications. The course provides students with a working knowledge of the theories that reflect the diversity of the discipline. Offered every Fall.
CART 310 Campaigns and Problems
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course is designed to give students practical experience in the planning and implementation of advertising and public relations campaigns. This course also studies special problems that face advertising and public relations practitioners. Prerequisite: CART 204 or consent of the instructor. Offered every Spring.
CART 311 Organization Communications
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will focus on analysis of dyadic, small-group and large-groups communications within corporate organizations and public institutions. Offered on an irregular basis.
CART 312 Media Management
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course provides an overview of the role of a mass media manager. Areas of study include radio and television programming and promotions, stations operations, personnel management, broadcast sales, cable television operations and specific broadcast regulations. Prerequisite: CART 100 or consent of instructor. Offered during the Spring of even- numbered years.
CART 314 Desktop Video
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will examine the theory and techniques of single camera production work and non-linear digital editing, as used in both Electronic News Gathering and Electronic Field Production. Students will gain hands-on experience through the creation of their own productions, and will learn basic audio, lighting, editing and composition principles. Prerequisite: CART 100 or Permission of Instructor. Offered in Fall of even numbered years.
CART 350 History of Film
3 Semester Credit Hours
History of Film will examine the development of film both from an aesthetic and industry standpoint. Events in the United States and other countries will be examined from initial film developments up to the present. Special attention will be given to the effects that various film “movements” had on subsequent film developments.
CART 360-460 Internship in Communication Arts
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
An opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience. Students are usually placed in a professional communication outlet located in the community, though in some cases, with the permission of the instructor, a student could work at a campus outlet. The course allows students to apply theories and techniques learned in the classroom to solve problems in the modern work environment. May be repeated for up to a total of 6 credits. Offered both Fall and Spring.
CART 403 Independent Study/Mass Communication
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
An opportunity for qualified students to pursue special projects of their own design. Written proposal and project summary are required. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: Approval of Director of Communication Arts and Academic Dean.
CART 405 Communications Research Methods
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will survey common research techniques applied to solve problems in communication arts. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are examined. Offered every Fall.
CART 410 Special Topics/Media
3 Semester Credit Hours
These courses will provide the student with the opportunity to explore specialized topics relevant to their interest in mass communication. The topics for the courses will rotate according to student need and interest. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
CART 440 Independent Study/Speech Communication
3 Semester Credit Hours
An opportunity for qualified students to pursue special projects of their own design. Written proposal and project summary are required. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: Approval of Director of Communication Arts and Registrar.
CART 450 Special Topics/Speech Communications
3 Semester Credit Hours
These courses will provide the student with the opportunity to explore specialized topics relevant to their interest in speech communication. The topics for the courses will rotate according to student need and interest. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
CART 499 Senior Seminar
3 Semester Credit Hours
This capstone course synthesizes the educational experience of communication arts majors. This intensive seminar will cover current issues in communications, career issues and will involve the production of a senior project. Prerequisites: Senior standing, CART 405 or consent of instructor. Offered every Spring.