Information about breaks:
Residence halls generally are closed for occupancy without permission from the Student Life Office during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break or summer vacation periods. If students must remain in the Owensboro area during these vacation periods they must receive permission from the Student Services Office to stay in the residence halls.
Information about breaks:
A link will be sent out prior to each break for students to request to stay. Students are permitted to stay over Fall, Thanksgiving, Spring, and Easter Breaks so long as they are approved by the Director of Residence Life. Residence halls generally are closed for occupancy without permission during Winter and Summer vacation periods. If students must remain in the Owensboro area during these vacation periods they must receive permission from the Director of Residence Life prior to remaining on campus.
Fall Break:
Anyone who stays past 5 p.m. on October 16 needs to register via the link by 5 p.m., October 14. Residence Halls officially reopen noon, October 20.
Thanksgiving Break:
Anyone who stays past 5 p.m. on November 27 needs to register via the link by 5 p.m., November 26. Residence Halls officially reopen noon, December 1.
Winter Break:
Students do not have to move their belongings out; however, they do have to vacate their residence hall. Any days that a student stays over or returns early will be assessed a charge of $30 a day. Anyone who stays past noon on December 11 needs to apply via the link by 5pm, December 5. Residence Halls officially reopen 10am, January 9. Students should not expect to be offered the option to temporarily relocate. Though we do hold the right to move students if necessary for Winter Break.
Link to request an Extended Stay:
Spring Break:
Anyone who stays past 5 pm on February 28 needs to register via the link by 5 p.m., February 24. Residence Halls officially reopen noon, March 8.
Easter Break:
Anyone who stays past 5 p.m. on April 9 needs to register via the link by 5 p.m., April 6. Residence Halls officially reopen noon, April 12.
End of Year Closing:
Students need to vacate 24 Hours after last final or by noon on April 24. All belongings need to be removed from the room and students need to check-out of their room via the advertised check-out process with staff. Summer Housing information will be sent out to students in the Spring 2020 semester.
Airport Shuttles
Student Services will be providing airport shuttles to the Nashville Airport (BNA) for major breaks at an affordable rate. Information on shuttles is available here.