Please refer to the current Academic Bulletin for the most updated list of course descriptions for this major.
Course Scheduling:
Math majors should take care to enroll in required courses as they are offered. Upper-level courses which are required for the major are offered every other year.
MATH 095 Foundations of Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
Basic algebra course covering variable expressions, linear equations, and inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, roots, scientific and engineering notations, elementary graphing, and measurement unit and conversions. Offered every semester.
MATH 101 College Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
Polynomials and rational functions, equations and systems of equations, logs and exponentials, with applications. Prerequisites: ACT 20 or Math 105. Offered every semester.
MATH 102 Trigonometry
1 Semester Credit Hours
Right triangle trigonometry and then trig functions and identities in general. This is the second part of MATH 101, offered as a separate course for students who already have had college algebra. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Offered every semester.
MATH 103 College Algebra and Trigonometry
4 Semester Credit Hours
Polynomials and rational functions, equations and systems of equations, logs and exponentials, right triangle trigonometry and then trig functions and identities in general. Prerequisites: ACT 20 or MATH 105. Offered every semester.
MATH 104 Probability and Statistics
4 Semester Credit Hours
An introduction to probability and statistics with applications. Intended for students of business, life sciences and social sciences. Prerequisites: ACT 17 or MATH 095. Offered every semester.
MATH 105 Intermediate Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course is designed to prepare students for College Algebra. Topics will include elementary algebra, functions, polynomial operations, rational expressions, and solutions to equations and inequalities. Prerequisite: ACT of 17 or higher or MATH095. Offered every semester.
MATH 106 Discovering Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course explores a variety of mathematics topics related to real-world applications, art, history, and everyday life. This course is discussion-based and helps students model the problem solving and critical thinking skills that mathematicians throughout history have used to describe the world around them. Discussion topics may include patterns in nature, infinity, topology, geometry, networking, fractals, and chaos theory, among others. Prerequisite: ACT of 17 or higher or MATH 095. Offered every semester.
MATH 113 Verticality of the Mathematics in PreK-12 Curriculum 3 Semester Credit Hours
This course will insure pre-service teachers have a sense of how concepts are introduced in the elementary curriculum and then woven through the middle/high school curriculum. The vertical nature of mathematics will be studied from fractions and decimal through algebra. Offered in even Fall.
MATH 121 Calculus I
4 Semester Credit Hours
The theory of limits, differentiation, successive differentiation, the definite integral, indefinite integral, and applications of both the derivative and integral. Prerequisite: MATH 103 or permission of the program director. Offered every semester.
MATH 221 Calculus II
3 Semester Credit Hours
Methods and applications of integration. Infinite sequences and series. L’Hospital’s rule. Prerequisite: MATH 121. Offered every Spring.
MATH 222 Calculus III
3 Semester Credit Hours
Vector-values functions of a real variable and real-valued functions of a vector. Partial derivatives, multiple integrals and line integrals, Green’s theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 121. Offered every Fall.
MATH 301 Differential Equations
3 Semester Credit Hours
Solutions, properties of solutions and applications for first order, first degree and for linear equations of arbitrary order; higher order and higher degree equations; simultaneous linear differential equations; series solutions; Homogeneous and non-homogeneous solutions; Laplace transformations. Prerequisites: MATH 221 and Corequisite MATH 222. Offered in odd Fall.
MATH 303 Introduction into Higher Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
A rigorous treatment of elements of logic and set theory including propositional calculus (statements, connectives, conditionals, negation), quantifiers, sets and operations on sets, mappings, equivalence relations, mathematical induction. Students are expected to work in an abstract setting using precise definitions and formal proofs. Prerequisites: MATH 121 or permission of instructor. Offered in odd Fall.
MATH 304 Geometry
3 Semester Credit Hours
An overview of geometry, primarily for education majors. Topics include the axiomatic method, non-Euclidean geometries, transformation geometry and analytic geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 103 or permission of instructor. Offered in even Spring.
MATH 305 Problem Solving in Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
Problems from logic, number theory and recreational mathematics with an emphasis on developing student awareness of the problem solving process. The course is designed to increase the student’s own problem solving ability and his or her ability to teach the process to others. This course counts as credit for a major only for those who obtain teacher certification. Prerequisite: MATH 103. Offered in even Spring.
MATH 307 Linear Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
Vector spaces, linear transformations and matrices. Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, inverses, matrix factorizations, determinants, vector spaces and dimension, rank, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Prerequisite: MATH 121. Offered in odd Spring.
MATH 309 Discrete Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
Selected topics from number theory, logic, Boolean algebra and graph theory. Prerequisites: MATH 121 or permission of instructor. Offered in even Spring.
MATH 330 Theory of Probability
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course is an introduction to calculus-based probability. Topics include sample spaces, discrete and continuous distributions, multivariate and conditional densities, and random variable transformation methods. Prerequisite: MATH 221. Offered in even Fall.
MATH 331 Mathematical Statistics
3 Semester Credit Hours
This course is a continuation of MATH330 that studies applications of sampling distributions related to the normal distribution. These include estimation of parameters, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, regression analysis and least-squares estimators, and correlation. Prerequisite: MATH 330 and MATH 222. Offered in odd Spring.
MATH 340 Topics in Mathematics
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
Independent Study in mathematics at the junior level. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered on an irregular basis.
MATH 400 History of Mathematics
1 Semester Credit Hours
Development of number systems, history of mathematical manuscripts, review of key mathematical figures, and discussions of major mathematical ideas and problems. Offered even Fall.
MATH 401 Analysis
3 Semester Credit Hours
The first course in the analysis sequence begins a rigorous critical study of the real numbers. Topics include the distinctions between the real and the rational number systems, the theory of sequences, limits of functions, and continuity. Mathematical writing and mathematical proof will be emphasized. Prerequisite: MATH 221, MATH 303 or permission of instructor. Offered in odd Fall.
MATH 402 Abstract Algebra
3 Semester Credit Hours
Groups and subgroups, including cyclic abelian, finite, permutation groups, group homomorphisms, cosets and etc. Mathematical writing and mathematical proof will be emphasized. Prerequisites: MATH 303 or permission of instructor. Offered in even Fall.
MATH 403 Partial Differential Equations
3 Semester Credit Hours
Equations of first and second order, wave equations, heat equations, Laplace equations. Application of equations to mathematical physics including Fourier Series. Prerequisite: MATH 301. Offered in even Spring.
MATH 405 Topology
3 Semester Credit Hours
Definition and properties of a topological space; continuous functions, and homeomorphisms, various topological properties such as compactness, separation, and connectedness; metric spaces. Prerequisite: MATH 303 or consent of instructor. Offered on an irregular basis.
MATH 411 Analysis II
3 Semester Credit Hours
The second course in the analysis sequence continues a rigorous critical study of the real numbers. Topics include continuity, derivatives, and integrals. Mathematical writing and mathematical proof will be emphasized. Prerequisite: MATH 401. Offered in even Spring.
MATH 412 Abstract Algebra II
3 Semester Credit Hours
Introduction into rings, integral domains, fields, polynomials, quotient rings, Galois theory, alternating groups, and symmetry. Prerequisite: MATH 402. Offered in odd Spring.
MATH 440 Topics in Mathematics
3 Semester Credit Hours
Advanced topics to be assigned by the department. Prerequisite: Mathematics major and junior standing. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of program coordinator. Offered on an irregular basis.
MATH 490 Mathematics Directed Student Research
1-3 Semester Credit Hours
An opportunity for mathematics students to engage in independent research under the direction of a mathematics faculty member. Students must complete a program statement of intention prior to registration. Prerequisite: Instructor and Program Coordinator approval.