Religion Online

Bachelor of Arts in Religion – 100% Online

Our top-ranked Bachelor of Arts in Religion online degree completion program is designed to help meet the increasing demand for qualified and highly skilled professionals in the fields of ministry, nonprofit work, business, journalism, and other related fields, as well as pursuit of further education. The religion program at Kentucky Wesleyan seeks to cultivate an appreciation of religious diversity by familiarizing students with the development, beliefs, and practices of multiple religious traditions. Through the religion program, students employ interdisciplinary resources in order to recognize and engage the function of religion in history, society, and culture.

Because the heritage of Kentucky Wesleyan College is United Methodist, we recognize that many of our students come from Christian traditions. At the same time, as a program in a liberal arts setting, the religion program at Kentucky Wesleyan encourages critical thinking and conversation about faith commitments. A course of study in religion develops the skills necessary to analyze and explain arguments about religion and religious positions as well as the skills to construct and present an argument.

Why major in Religion at Kentucky Wesleyan College?

For one thing, we look at texts and seek to interpret them, be it the Bible or the Baghavad Gita. What did the writers write? Why did they phrase it that way?

We also look at ourselves, asking, “How does my modern (or post-modern) view of the world affect the interpretation of those texts? How does this text impact my view of the world? What does this text tell me about truth?”

For the most part, the texts we investigate are the texts of the Christian Bible, which includes the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament. Toward that end, recent upper-level class offerings have included Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Israel’s Prophets, and The Sermon on the Mount.

Course offerings may also include topics like Christianity and Culture, Religions of the World or Sociology of Religion.