

Why study religion? Some people approach the study of religion because of a sense of calling or vocation, some out of fascination with a basic human urge. Whatever your personal aim may be, follow your heart; the academic study of religion is both personally satisfying and socially pertinent to our 21st century world.


What’s involved in the academic study of religion at KWC? For one thing, we look at texts and seek to interpret them, be it the Bible or the Baghavad Gita. What did the writers write? Why did they phrase it that way?

We also look at ourselves, asking, “How does my modern (or post-modern) view of the world affect the interpretation of those texts? How does this text impact my view of the world? What does this text tell me about truth?”

For the most part, the texts we investigate are the texts of the Christian Bible, which includes the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Testament. Toward that end, recent upper-level class offerings have included Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Israel’s Prophets, and The Sermon on the Mount.

Course offerings may also include topics like Christianity and Culture, Religions of the World or Sociology of Religion.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Develop familiarity with the broad phenomenon of religion and the particular history, beliefs, and practices of multiple religious traditions
  2. Interpret the role and power of religion in history, society, and culture
  3. Identify and assess the moral and spiritual dimensions of human being
  4. Collaborate with community organizations in order to recognize the role of religious and moral commitments in society
  5. Prepare students for further study which may involve graduate study in the humanities or a professional degree. Such preparation includes the ability to analyze and construct arguments and communicate effectively in writing, conversation, and presentation


What can you do with a degree in religion? Many students pursue vocational ministry in a Christian denomination or to go to seminary after completing their bachelor’s degree, but vocational ministry is not the only path to follow.

Graduates with degrees in religion develop two important skills – how to think critically and how to write. With a religion degree, you will be well-prepared to pursue graduate or professional school in other academic areas, or you may find your way into a business field because you have developed abilities to understand some of the most deeply-held human convictions.

In fact, study after study suggests that what businesses want from their employees are the abilities to think critically, to write well and to understand the global context in which we live – all skills that you will develop while studying religion at Kentucky Wesleyan College!